Barbara Sinatra

Net Worth $600 Million USD

Barbara Sinatra Net Worth

Barbara Blakeley was born in Bosworth, Missouri in 1926 to Charles W. Blakeley and the former Irene Prunty Toppass  she was raised in Wichita, Kansas. She first married Robert Harrison Oliver, an executive with the Miss Universe pageant, in the mid- to late-1940s, a marriage which produced a son, Robert Bobby Oliver, but ended in divorce. Blakeley became a Las Vegas showgirl in the 1950s, modeling clothing for Mr. Blackwell. Barbara Sinatra Net Worth2

Her son Bobby assumed the family name of his stepfather when Zeppo and Barbara married on September 18, 1959. It had been assumed that Bobby Marx had been legally adopted by Marx. Tina Sinatra has claimed that, according to Robert Harrison Oliver, no such adoption took place. Barbara and Zeppo divorced in 1973. Later, after marrying Frank Sinatra, Barbara would try to get Frank to legally adopt Bobby Marx when Marx was a grown man; Sinatra's children intervened to prevent it.


One Response so far.

  1. Soshi says:

    Frank Sinatra was a mass of contradictions, a loving family man but a not so loving husband. In Ava and Barbara he met his matches. Say what you want, I am sure Barbara had to put up with a lot to get her $600 million. I liked Tina Sinatra's book and her love for her very talented father but her mother's story is very sad as the loyal matriarch who is always waiting for Frank. He tried to do right by her but also left her in limbo year after year. Coupled with Frank's strong willed girls and his mother, life at the Sinatra compound was likely no bed of roses. You make choices in life and so did Barbara and Frank. I appreciate Barbara's ability to hang in there and she is certainly a survivor! I was married to a high roller and highly educated man who in hindsight was probably bi-polar too. Thought I wanted my very ethnic, over achiever husband but after two years of his verbal abuse, cheating and gambling I left in the middle of the night during a driving rain storm and drove 1,000 miles back to my hometown. I wouldn't trade my hum-drum little existence now for all the tea in China!

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